Friday, March 29, 2019

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

I prepared for this pitch by talking about the most important aspects of the product: cost, nutrition, freshness. I was too focused on memorizing a script before, but this time I just talked about my product as if I was explaining it to a potential customer.


  1. I think your third Elevator Pitch is very good. You are very personable and you seem at ease during the pitch. You have excellent knowledge of your product and you do a good job of sharing that knowledge with viewers. You also showed a lot of passion for your product and used hand movements to enhance the pitch. You stood at a good distance from the camera and you looked professional. I tried to look at your previous two elevator pitches to compare how you had improved your pitch, but they were both unavailable.

  2. Your elevator pitch was very good. My big correction is that you don't need to introduce yourself at the beginning. Besides for that your content was very good and I could tell that you were excited about the product. I also think it is great to bring up how by feeding your dog healthy food they are more likely to live longer than if you were to give them cheap food with poor ingredients.
