Friday, March 1, 2019

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1.      A) I am tenacious and whenever I set my mind to something, I will work very hard to achieve it. I do not give up easily and I always persevere.
B) I am extremely organized, and I will always have a plan for the short and long term. I like to be prepared and foresee what is coming to act accordingly.
C) I always strive to follow through with my promises and make sure my decisions don’t have negative impact others.
D) I like to help people and am always available to others and their needs.
E) I know how to prioritize and use my time wisely to get things done. 


Reflect on the differences:

It is quite interesting to hear people talk about you from their perspective. We do not hear about how others see us very often but this was an eye opening assignment that leads to the opportunity of some self-reflection. There are some things I never thought others saw in me so openly. 
However, I do believe others agree with most of the qualities I see in myself. 
The main quality, and one which I think is most important in the scope of this class and entrepreneurship is my tenacity and my ability to be level headed and hard working. 

Side note: two of the interviewees are my parents who are not native English speakers. 

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