Friday, March 29, 2019

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

I prepared for this pitch by talking about the most important aspects of the product: cost, nutrition, freshness. I was too focused on memorizing a script before, but this time I just talked about my product as if I was explaining it to a potential customer.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

1)     Scott Adams book How to Fail at Everything and Still Win Big focuses the story that led Adams through many failures but ultimately to success. He gives insights about how he used certain life mechanisms and paradigms to focus on maintaining a healthy body and mind while pursuing the journey into success.
2)     I think the book does a great job at talking about failure as a positive thing. Many times, we become blinded by our desire to be successful that we forget there is a journey to success that may be riddled with failures.
Adams provides specific examples of actions you can take to deal with these failures. For example, the one that grabbed my attention the most is where he talked about “building a system” rather than setting goals.
This connects to what we learned in class about tenacity, and how being persevering is a crucial part of being an entrepreneur.
3)     If I had to design an exercise for the class based on the book it would instruct students to create a system, they believe will lead them to success.
Systems, as opposed to goals, allow for plans to be readjusted. As Adam puts it: “If you do something every day, it’s a system. If you’re waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it’s a goal…. In business, making a million dollars is a goal, but being a serial entrepreneur is a system.
The assignment would make students think about their everyday actions, and what they can implement to their daily routines that will bring them closer to success.  
4)     There is a quote by Adams that really stuck to me: “The most important form of selfishness involves spending time on your fitness, eating right, pursuing your career, and still spending quality time with your family and friends.
Sometimes we forget about the most important things in life when we get too busy trying to succeed. But what Adams argues is that the things we think as hindrances such as eating healthy and exercising are the most important things we need to do. If we take care of ourselves, it puts us at a better place to succeed and pursue our desires.  

Thursday, March 21, 2019

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

My name is Angelica and I am a fourth-year business student. I am a hard and committed worker. My idea is to create a local company that will offer fresh food to pet owners at an affordable price.
The product offering is fresh, refrigerated, and healthy foods. Customers can customize their pet’s meals based on their specific needs, and they can get the refrigerated food locally without having to go through an online supplier.
I am offering this product to anyone who owns a dog and is willing to pay a little more to get them better food than the one offered on the shelves of dry food aisles.
I believe most of the customers interested in the product care because their pets may not be doing very well on their current food and they are looking for a healthier alternative.
What sets us apart from others is that we offer the food locally without having to buy it online.

I think these elements fit together because they have the same goal in mind of producing quality fresh food for consumers. When you align your competencies to your goals, I think you can expect to have a good foundation. The goal is to be in line with consumers needs/wants, and by offering food that will make their pets healthier and happier we can achieve our goals.
Feedback- I broadened the target segment to anyone who owns a dog. In my feedback someone mentioned I should be more specific in what types of breeds I should target. I wouldn’t want dog owners of otherwise healthy dogs to feel like they cannot access our products because they are only for those who need it. Therefore instead of being specific in breeds, I broadened my segment.

20A – Growing Your Social Capital

I decided to approach this assignment a little differently. My idea is based on an industry that operates mainly online. Therefore, I do not personally know anyone who is an expert that could offer wise advice. For this reason, I have decided that reaching out to three companies that most closely resemble my venture’s idea through their customer service e-mails is the best way to go.
I hope that by doing this, I can get some answers about their company’s success in a more personal way, rather than using search engines to find generic information online.
1)     The first company to reach out to is called “Ollie,” a relatively young fresh dog food company based in New York. They started out as a vision backed by Canaan Partners, a venture capital firm that along with a handful other partners were able to raise over $12 million to create Ollie. Ollie can be considered a domain expert in my industry. They are a successful and young company and they have extensive knowledge about providing fresh food to consumers.
I feed my dog Ollie and switching him to their food has created immense improvement in his health and eating habits. Knowing that Ollie is a young company and having the firsthand experience to know that their food is great in quality, I chose Ollie as a domain expert. The return expectation is knowledge from within the company that may be useful for my venture, and I think including them in my network will allow me access to the technical knowledge to provide better products and attempt a similar business model that works in the industry like it did for Ollie.
2)     The second company to reach out to is Purina because they are one of the dry food companies that maintain a large part of the market share in my industry. I was able to find information on the advertising techniques they use to maintain significant market share:
My exchange with Purina would again be through the e-mails available online which will allow me to contact a real person from their company. I think having the knowledge to reach potential consumers is greatly important when starting a venture, and this is knowledge that Purina is sure to have.
3)     Something I noticed from some of the competitors in the fresh dog food industry is that most of them promise to provide USDA approved meals. For this reason, one of the most important suppliers in my industry are meat suppliers of USDA approved meats. For this reason, the last company on my list is JBS, one of the largest meat providers in the United States, offering a large selection of quality meats specific to certain needs.
Finding the correct meat supplier is very important to my venture, so I hope that JBS will offer insights into what is most important to look for when looking for the right supplier and what the best deals are.

I believe this activity is great at being very targeted and specific. It reminds us that sometimes quality is better than quantity. Knowing many people in the industry can be great but knowing just three people that have so much knowledge and expertise can mean a huge difference.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

17A Elevator pitch No. 2

This has probably been one of the most difficult assignments for me because I consider myself to be an introvert, and would much rather work behind the scenes. However, as an entrepreneur, getting on the spotlight is pretty much inevitable, so this was an opportunity to practice.

18A – Create a Customer Avatar

My customer avatar:

Animal lover/dog mom
Goes to the gym regularly and maintains a healthy diet
Runs every morning with their dog
Upper middle-class suburban millennial with small children
Democrat/progressive and loves Bernie Sanders
Actively involved in community events
Native to the city of Coral Springs/Margate/Parkland
Listens to pop music
Loves trying out new foods/recipes

I relate in many ways to my customer avatar, which I don’t find to be a coincidence.  For example, I am an animal lover and I am health mindful. Because I am creating a product for which I personally find there is a need, it is only natural that I expect others who share my views/needs to also find this product appealing. I intend to target people with similar lifestyles as me, because these are the people I interact with the most on an everyday basis.

Friday, March 1, 2019

16A –What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1.      A) I am tenacious and whenever I set my mind to something, I will work very hard to achieve it. I do not give up easily and I always persevere.
B) I am extremely organized, and I will always have a plan for the short and long term. I like to be prepared and foresee what is coming to act accordingly.
C) I always strive to follow through with my promises and make sure my decisions don’t have negative impact others.
D) I like to help people and am always available to others and their needs.
E) I know how to prioritize and use my time wisely to get things done. 


Reflect on the differences:

It is quite interesting to hear people talk about you from their perspective. We do not hear about how others see us very often but this was an eye opening assignment that leads to the opportunity of some self-reflection. There are some things I never thought others saw in me so openly. 
However, I do believe others agree with most of the qualities I see in myself. 
The main quality, and one which I think is most important in the scope of this class and entrepreneurship is my tenacity and my ability to be level headed and hard working. 

Side note: two of the interviewees are my parents who are not native English speakers.