Thursday, February 21, 2019

13A – Reading Reflection No. 1

1) The Wright Brothers
a.      What surprised me the most about the brothers is their perseverance. I had briefly heard about the wright brothers in the past but reading about their perseverance amongst failure was very inspiring and surprising. Something that I also did not know, is that Wilbur Wright, one of the brothers, was considered an actual genius. His intellect played a big role in developing the mechanism needed to fly the plane. His genius combined with his brother’s mechanical ability fused together in a mix of perfect cooperation that led to the eventual invention of the airplane.
b.      What I admired most about them was their perseverance. They had an idea in mind and there was very little that could stop them. They knew the risk of dying was very eminent but not even that would stop them. Even after they had finished their invention successfully, the next step was selling it. They had to go through immense barriers to sell someone on the idea that human beings were meant to fly. This is especially interesting to me in the context of the present. Had the Wright Brothers given up and not created the airplane/glider, the world would be a completely different place.
c.      I think the Wright Brothers might’ve been a bit over the line obsessive over their feat into the air. Although this can also be considered their strongest attribute, it’s not something I would particularly admire.
d.      I think the main adversity the brothers faced was being successful in coming up with a glider that would work. They spent a very long time and it look various failed attempts to be successful.
2)     The entrepreneurs were inventive, intelligent, creative, and extremely tenacious.
3)     There were some technical aspects that were explained that I found a little confusing.
4)     I would ask them what motivates them and what they thought the world would be like 100 years from the time they invented the plane.
5)     I think both brothers understood the importance of hard work. While they had the capabilities such as intelligence and intuitiveness that would enable them to create something great, without hard work this would all mean very little. I agree with this opinion, I think hard work supersedes natural talent.


  1. I think you did a great job of sharing what you learned about the Wright Brothers. I agree that the world today would be very different if they had given up and not created the airplane. It was interesting to learn that Wilbur contributed the intellectual ability while Orville had the mechanical ability. They made a very good team. I read about Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. I found that it takes a lot of creativity, tenacity and hard work to be a great entrepreneur.

  2. Hi Angelica,
    The thought had never crossed my mind that world changing inventions had to be introduced as a business idea. "Even after they had finished their invention successfully, the next step was selling it." For some reason I had always imagined them sitting back after successfully changing the course of history in admiration of what they had done. Reality looks more like convincing people it was something that people will eventually pay a lot of money to do.

  3. It is amazing to consider how much the Wright brothers had to persevere in order to finally build a working plane. I also find it crazy how Wilbur never really got to see just how much airplanes and aviation would advance in such a short amount of time. I am always amazed by the amount of advancement that has been made in aviation since the Wright brothers first successful flight.
